Why Your Brand Needs to Embrace Sustainability Storytelling Now

Are you familiar with sustainability storytelling? 

It's a way for brands and organisations to connect with their audience by sharing their sustainability practices, and their positive impact on the environment and society as a whole. 

In this blog post, we'll explore the top 5 storytelling principles that Built Environment organisations can use to effectively communicate their sustainability stories and engage with their audience. These principles can help you create authentic, personal, and impactful sustainability stories that resonate with your clients and stakeholders to drive growth and success.

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Sharing stories about sustainable practices is an excellent way to demonstrate your genuine commitment to sustainability while also connecting with your audience. However, to be effective, a sustainability story must be authentic and personal. Your audience wants to see evidence that you are genuinely committed to sustainability and are not just greenwashing. Sharing actual examples of sustainable practices and their impact on the environment and society can help you build trust with your audience.

A good sustainability story should also inspire action. It's not enough to share information about sustainable practices; you should also provide practical tips and encourage their audience to make changes in their own lives that can contribute to a more sustainable future. By inspiring action, businesses can show that they are not only committed to sustainability themselves, but are also empowering others to make a positive impact.

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So why is sustainability storytelling so important? 

In a recent article by Deloitte, ‘How consumers are embracing sustainability’, surveys were conducted to identify consumer attitudes and behaviors around sustainability, and over that period their research shows that consumers are increasingly making conscious decisions with sustainability and the environment in mind.  More and more people are starting to prioritise using environmentally and socially responsible brands, making sustainability storytelling increasingly important. By sharing sustainability stories, you can demonstrate your commitment to creating a better world and differentiate yourself from the competition. 

Additionally, sustainability storytelling can create emotional connections with your audience who share similar values, leading to increased loyalty and repeated business. This strategy can also attract new clients looking for businesses that align with their values, serving as a unique selling point in a crowded and competitive marketplace.

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Top 5 storytelling principles for sustainability:

1. Show, Don't Tell - Use visual aids like photos and videos to showcase the impact your sustainable practices are having on the environment and society.

Mace is an eco-friendly construction company, which has piloted more than 20 diesel-alternatives and energy-saving digital solutions. Their ambition is to help to lead the way to a more connected, resilient and sustainable world. They have shared their efforts in the form of a purpose film, which is the center of attention when you view their website. 

2. Make it Personal - Share stories about the people who are impacted by your sustainable practices, such as your clients, stakeholders and employees.

BeOnsite is a not-for-profit company, established by Lendlease in 2007 as a dedicated support to people who face life challenges that have made it difficult for them to get onto the job ladder, helping them to build a career within the built environment.Lendlease’s sustainability framework highlights three vital areas: sustainable economic growth, vibrant and resilient communities and cities, and healthy planet and people. They aim to conserve water, reduce waste, source sustainable materials, use renewable energy and purchase carbon offsets.

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3. Be Authentic - Transparency is key when it comes to sustainability storytelling. Share both your successes and failures along the way.

General Projects is a real estate developer that imagines, designs and delivers innovative and inspiring buildings. Their aim is to establish new benchmarks for the built environment that transform the way users live, work and play. 

General Projects displays the value of authenticity and transparency through their commitment to a 2+2=5 model, proving that profit and purpose can align positively. They actively partner with local authorities, grassroots organisations, and communities to deliver meaningful initiatives that bring tangible value. They showcase specific projects, such as the maker festival and youth outreach program, with details on the number of people reached and the activities conducted. This transparency highlights their genuine efforts to make a positive impact on communities. 

4. Keep it Simple - Use language that is easy to understand and relatable, avoiding technical jargon.

Yonder is a team of sustainable performance consultants dedicated to improving the built environment by demonstrating that sustainability really does pay back. Their ethos is the K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple Silly) principle, which is reflected in every aspect of their brand, from their communications to their projects. 

5. Inspire Action - The ultimate goal of sustainability storytelling is to inspire action. Share practical tips that your audience can use to make a difference in their own lives and encourage them to join you in making a positive impact.

Bioregional is a purpose-led sustainability consultancy that champions a better way to live. They work with partners to create a better, more sustainable place to live, work and do business. One Planet Living is their vision of a world where you can live happily within the Earth’s resources and the framework is designed to support you to create a 'One Planet Action Plan' that acts as a route map towards a more sustainable future for your organisation. Learn more about One Planet Living by watching their video and get inspired!

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In conclusion

Sustainability storytelling allows brands and organisations in the Built Environment to differentiate themselves from competitors and build emotional connections with their customers, leading to increased brand loyalty and repeated business. By effectively communicating your sustainability message through the simple principles outlined in this blog , you can create authentic and impactful sustainability stories that resonate with their audience and drive growth and success. 

Overall, sustainability storytelling is a powerful strategy that businesses can use to effectively communicate their sustainability efforts and inspire action towards a more sustainable future.

If you're interested in learning more about sustainability storytelling or need help creating your own sustainability story, don't hesitate to contact us today. 

Concept Culture's team of brand strategists and storytellers can provide guidance and support to help you effectively communicate your sustainability message and inspire action towards a more sustainable future.


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